Friday, July 3, 2009


This blog has moved to
Please update the address in your Google Reader, and be sure if you were a "follower" that you "follow" the new blog. I'm back to blogging - and I've missed you all!


  1. Hey I've missed you too. If you e-mail me your phone number, I'll give you a call one of these days. Maybe you can come over for lunch? Joanne says your new job is at PHC, which is just a hop, skip, and a jump from where I live. In fact I have a friend, Barb, who works in Human Resources, and I meet her in the parking lot on Wednesdays for a prayer walk down the trail.

  2. Could you please allow me access to your blog?

  3. hi was just seeing if you minded a comment. i like your website and the thme you picked is super. I will be back. Wohnungsentrümpelung Berlin
